"I will try to fulfil his trust and belief in me"
The Order of Druids in Ulster
How it all began...........

During 1984 a group of five Rosicrucians, David, Rose, Colin, John and myself, were guided by "Beings" seen and unseen, to visit sacred sites in Ulster with the charge that they were to heal the land, our land, Ulster. We were unaware that we were being guided to fulfil the work that had been performed by the Druids of olden times, our spiritual forebears. The culmination of that work was realised on the night of Friday 13 of July 1984.
There was a unique planetary alignment on that evening and spiritual doors were being opened that had not been opened for many hundreds of years. We were guided to a site near Castlewellan in Co Down. As we arrived, the site shone with an "otherworldly" glow - the work was ready to begin. We went into the Cashel and down into the Souterrain - the Souterrain was like an underground cross. We walked up the central aisle and walked into the chamber formed by the right arm of the cross. We stood and sang sacred words and moved to the right and to the left while holding hands in a circle.
The Order of Druids in Ulster
I'd love to hear from you, if you'd like further information please get in contact with me.

Suddenly a bolt of light lit up the central aisle of the Souterrain. Then someone began walking up the aisle towards us. We could hear the gentle footsteps and a noise like a robe moving as the presence drew closer. We looked over as it came to where the central aisle joined the room we were in - a man; he was luminous and bright. I have never been more afraid than I had been at that moment. He said "Follow me" and then walked up the steps and out of the exit at the end of the left arm of the cross. We followed, not knowing what to expect.
As we exited the Souterrain, we entered the Cashel. All around the circular inside of the Cashel stood several hundred shining ones. Some would fade in and out from luminous shapes to materialised beings. They were humming all on the one note, which seemed to permeate every fibre of our beings. Some had long hair, some had partly shaven heads and some were bald - their heads were tattooed. From above the hill came a rider on horseback, he took the horse up and onto its hind legs as it whinnied and neighed. He rode around and about a quarter of the outside of the circle. He kept riding back and forth with the horse's cries carrying on the wind.
The focal point of the work was a being in robe and cowl with hood pulled over his face. While they sung, he opened a book and read to us - he came into full manifestation many times. Then they said "Heal the land, heal the land, heal the land". Then they sent us light and energy - they were the rim and we were the hub and the streams of light were the spokes. We were as a living wheel. I thought my chakras were going to burst - there was so much energy.
After a while the light stopped, the singing stopped and the monk closed his book. He looked up and smiled, his eyes were alive, like you could see to them and through them. The rider on horseback gave one final rear and cry at the top of the hill. He waved and then he was gone. The beings all began to fade and disappear, we knew it was all over. We left giving the Rosicrucian greeting.
Much has changed since that night - none of the five do any mystical work other than myself. David is a successful computer specialist involved in programming and owns several companies. His wife Rose works for the Government. Colin is a university graduate and teacher. John is now happily married and living in North Carolina. I joined the "Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids" in 1988; also during that year I met my dear and precious friend Ben McBrady. He was the Aircinneac and Herenach of "The Old Gaelic Order" - the order that was in Ireland before the Druids came. Ben gave me instruction, guidance, and many techniques. He also gave me his authority to start the "Order Of Druids In Ulster"- Ord Draoith Uladh. He said "The old ways are finished, you must make a new way for a new day".
I will try and fulfil his trust and belief in me.
Clive Culbertson
Clive Culbertson, founder of The Order Of Druids In Ulster, was born in Ballymoney Co Antrim in the province of Ulster on 28 August 1954. He is a Mystic, Musician and Healer. Clive trained with his friend and teacher, the late Ben McBrady, Aircinneac and Herenach of "The Old Gaelic Order"- the order that was in Ireland before the Druids came. Clive was given a lineage of authority from Ben to start his own order - this work is now under construction.
Clive is a bassist, vocalist, songwriter, recording engineer and record producer. He has recorded and toured with many artists - amoung his huge list of credits are a short period with Hothouse Flowers, Van Morrison and The Chieftains and the hugely successful Avalon Sunset Album. Currently he is bassist/vocalist and musical director with country rock band New Moon, of which he is also a founder member.
Also, as well as being the founder of his own Order for which he is available for Seminars and Individual Instruction, Clive is also a Reiki Master and is available for healings on request. He is a member of the following orders and organizations and can be contacted for Seminars and Individual Instruction in these disciplines as well.
• Rosicrucian Above 9°
• Initiated Druid in Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids.
• Martinist P .·. I ·.· in Ordre Martinist Et Synarchique.
• Kriyaban in Self Realization Fellowship.
If you would like to get in touch with Clive Culbertson, please do so. He will be available to answer all your queries on all matters touched upon on this site. A new book on the life and works of Clive Culbertson is also in the pipeline - details will be published on this site soon.

Clive with his daughter Charlie Hall, (musician and medium)
Clive is available to perform name and Blessing Ceremonies, Weddings and Funerals

Clive is available for Druid workshops worldwide
please call:
Madonna Oriflamma